From beginner tutorials to industry insights, we've got you covered with in-depth analysis and deep dives on display technology. Whether you are a tech enthusiast, a student, Engineer, business leader, or just curious about digital display technology, our blog is a place to stay informed or learn something new about any of our products. So relax and choose an article from a variety of topics listed below.
Bit di parità
Errors in binary communication refers to situations where the message received differs from the message intended to be transmitted. T
Mar 3rd 2023
OLED - Diodo organico a emissione di luce
OLED displays take a unique approach to display technology that makes them slimmer and lighter than their LCD counterparts. OLED tech
Jan 29th 2023
Nits vs. Lumen vs. Luminanza
While looking at some of the many light-emitting devices, such as televisions,
LCDs, or light bulbs, you've probably noticed they're
Dec 21st 2022
ESD (scarica elettrostatica)
Have you experienced an unintentional shock whenever you touched a door knob? This phenomenon, called ESD or electrostatic discharge,
Oct 27th 2022
Tocco capacitivo e tocco resistivo
Touchscreen displays have become a standard piece of technology in our daily lives. Many
LCD and OLED applications now include tou
Aug 17th 2022
Masterizzazione dell'immagine
Image burn-in affects all screen displays, including
LCDs and OLEDs in mobile phones, monitors, wearable devices, televisions, a
Aug 5th 2022
Come pulire un display elettronico
Remember when your LCD or OLED display had that brand-new, fresh-out-of-the-box shine, feel and look? You are in the right place if y
Jul 20th 2022
Guida per principianti alla prototipazione dei display
In this guide, you’ll learn how to locate example code and upload it to your microcontroller for prototyping with your display. This
Aug 27th 2021