Des tutoriels pour débutants aux informations sur l'industrie, nous vous proposons des analyses approfondies sur les technologies d'affichage. Que vous soyez un passionné de technologie, un étudiant, un ingénieur, un chef d'entreprise ou simplement curieux de la technologie d'affichage numérique, notre blog est un endroit où vous pouvez rester informé ou apprendre quelque chose de nouveau sur n'importe lequel de nos produits. Détendez-vous et choisissez un article parmi les différents sujets énumérés ci-dessous.
OEM vs ODM Manufacturing - Differences, Benefits, and Limitations
When outsourcing manufacturing, two terms come across: OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and ODM (Original Design Manufacturer).
Nov 26th 2024
Passive Matrix vs Active Matrix - A Beginner's Guide
Have you ever wondered how display screens are able to produce sharp images and vibrant colors? The answer lies in how millions of ti
May 30th 2024
Optical Bonding: Benefits and Applications
Many applications, particularly in harsh environments, require specific modifications to their electronic displays to improve durabil
Feb 7th 2024
MIPI DSI Interface
Imagine a world where devices communicate seamlessly and efficiently, especially with mobile high-resolution displays such as mobile
Dec 19th 2023
I2C Communication Interface
In the world of embedded systems and electronics, efficient communication between components is essential. Among the many communicati
Oct 20th 2023
Serial vs Parallel Communication
Communication between electronic devices is a crucial aspect of modern technology, playing an integral role in the functionality and
Aug 14th 2023
Types d'écrans tactiles, histoire et fonctionnement
Touchscreens allow a more intuitive and direct way of interacting with devices, they have become ubiquitous in our modern world, from
Apr 11th 2023
Bit de parité
Errors in binary communication refers to situations where the message received differs from the message intended to be transmitted. T
Mar 3rd 2023