Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-800480FT-CSXP-T 7.0 inch IPS EVE TFT LCD Module with Resistive Touchscreen 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia SPI EVE FT812 Controller Tocco resistivo Outline: 180.1mm x 104mm kr702,40
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-800480FT-CSXP 7.0 inch IPS 800x480 Resolution EVE TFT LCD Module 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia SPI EVE FT812 Controller Senza touchscreen Outline: 180.1mm x 104mm kr643,24
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida () NHD-7.0-HDMI-HR-RSXP-CTU 7 inch IPS Capacitive High Resolution HDMI TFT LCD Module 7,0" IPS 1024x600 pixel Interfaccia HDMI TFP401A Capacitive Touch + Cover Glass Outline: 189.6mm x 106.7mm kr1 008,06
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-HDMI-HR-RSXP 7 inch IPS High Resolution HDMI TFT LCD Module 7,0" IPS 1024x600 pixel Interfaccia HDMI TFP401A Senza touchscreen Outline: 189.6mm x 106.7mm kr788,44
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-HDMI-N-RSXP-CTU 7 inch Capacitive IPS HDMI LCD Module 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia HDMI TFP401A Capacitive Touch + Cover Glass Outline: 180.1mm x 104mm kr966,16
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-HDMI-N-RSXP 7 inch IPS 800x480 Resolution HDMI LCD Module 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia HDMI TFP401A Senza touchscreen Outline: 180.1mm x 104mm kr741,85
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-1024600AF-LSXP-CTP 7 inch IPS Capacitive High Resolution TFT LCD 7,0" IPS 1024x600 pixel Interfaccia LVDS Controllore HX8282 Capacitive Touch + Cover Glass Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr644,35
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-1024600AF-LSXP 7 inch IPS High Resolution TFT LCD 7,0" IPS 1024x600 pixel Interfaccia LVDS Controllore HX8282 Senza touchscreen Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr512,63
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-800480AF-ASXP-CTP 7 inch IPS TFT LCD with Capacitive Touchscreen 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia RGB ST7277 Controller Capacitive Touch + Cover Glass Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr631,93
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-800480AF-ASXP-T 7 inch IPS TFT LCD with Resistive Touchscreen 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia RGB ST7277 Controller Tocco resistivo Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr545,15
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-800480AF-ASXP 7 inch IPS 800x480 Resolution TFT LCD 7,0" IPS 800x480 pixel Interfaccia RGB ST7277 Controller Senza touchscreen Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr500,20
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-HDMI-N-RSXN-CTU 7 inch Sunlight Readable Capacitive HDMI TFT LCD Module 7,0" leggibile alla luce del sole 800x480 pixel Interfaccia HDMI Controllore TFP401A Capacitive Touch + Cover Glass Outline: 180.1mm x 104mm kr955,59
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-HDMI-N-RSXN 7.0 inch Sunlight Readable HDMI TFT LCD Module 7,0" leggibile alla luce del sole 800x480 pixel Interfaccia HDMI Controllore TFP401A Senza touchscreen Outline: 180.1mm x 104mm kr732,02
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida NHD-7.0-800480EF-ASXN#-CTP 7 inch Sunlight Readable Capacitive TFT LCD 7,0" leggibile alla luce del sole 800x480 pixel Interfaccia RGB Controllore EK79716B Capacitive Touch + Cover Glass Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr574,40
Aggiungi al carrello Confronto Vista rapida () NHD-7.0-800480EF-ASXN#-T 7 inch Sunlight Readable Resistive TFT LCD 7,0" leggibile alla luce del sole 800x480 pixel Interfaccia RGB Controllore EK79716B Tocco resistivo Outline: 165mm x 104mm kr487,62